Facial Lifting

Facial Stretch

Who are candidates for a


The best candidates for a facelift are men and women whose skin on the face and neck have begun to sag but still have elasticity and their bones are strong and well defined. Most patients are between 40 and 60 years of age; Although a facelift can be done successfully in people in their 70s and 80s. A facelift will make you look younger, fresh, and boost your self-esteem. It will not give you a totally different look, nor can it bring back the health and vitality of your youth. Before deciding to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and talk to your doctor.

What do you need to know about the facelift?

The age, sun and stress of the everyday life can be reflected in the face. Deep marks form between the nose and mouth, the corners of the mouth loosen, bags and deposits of fat appear around the neck, and so on. A facelift can not slow down this aging process, but it can turn the clock back, improving the most visible signs of aging, putting everything back in its place. If you are considering a facelift, this section will give you some basic information about the procedure, when it can help you, how it is performed and what results you can expect.

To plan your surgery

Facelift is a very individualized procedure. On your first visit, your surgeon will evaluate your face, including skin and facial bones. It will also perform a detailed analysis of your face based on anatomical and aesthetic proportions. The surgeon should analyze the medical changes that can cause problems during the operation, such as uncontrolled hypertension, circulatory problems or the tendency to form hypertrophic scars. Be sure to tell the doctor if you smoke or take any medication, poor skin healing is always more likely in people who smoke. Your doctor will explain the technique and type of the anesthesia to be used on you, where will you be operated, the risks and costs.

How is the surgery?

When performing the facelift, you may be admitted to the hospital for 1 or 2 days if general anesthesia is used. Some medical conditions, such as diabetes, or high blood pressure, should be monitored after surgery and may require a longer hospital stay. Most facelifts are performed with local anesthesia plus a sedation to make you feel relaxed. Some surgeons prefer general anesthesia, in which case you´ll sleep through the entire procedure. The estimated duration of surgery is 3 to 4 hours. Each surgery is individualized in each patient.

Step-by-step surgery

  1. The incisions begin in the head at the height of the temple, following the natural line of the ear and curving behind the lobe towards the bottom of the scalp.
  2. The surgeon separates the skin from the fat and internal muscles. Fat is excised or suctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour.
  3. The surgeon stretches the muscles, pulls the skin back and removes the excess of the muscle. The stitches ensure the firmness of the skin and close incisions.
  4. Most scars will be hidden under the hair or in the natural folds of your skin.


Generally, you do not feel much discomfort after the surgery, if present, it can be treated with painkillers that your doctor will prescribe. It may be necessary to have your head elevated for a couple of days after surgery, not to be surprised if your face is pale, purple or swollen. Just remember that within a few weeks your appearance will return to normal. Most stitches will be removed within 5 days; Those on the scalp take a little longer to heal, so they will be left longer. The patients return to their activities between 15 and 20 days average. If you need it, there is a special makeup that can hide the bruises that will be presented, which will last between 2 and 3 weeks. At first, you may experience a strange feeling on your face, your features may be slightly distorted by inflammation.

Your new look

The chances of being satisfied with your new appearance are many, especially if you have in mind that the results will not be immediate. Even after the bruises and inflammation disappear, the hair around the sideburns will be weak and can feel your face dry and rough for several months. Men may find that they should shave in new places where they have positioned new areas of beard. You will have scars from your stretch, but they will be hidden in your hair or on your face and ears. In any case, they will diminish over time and will be almost invisible.

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