The area of the arms is an area that can hang due to the loss of elasticity and ability to retraction of the skin, which usually happens with age and variations in body weight.
Depending on the severity of the problem, you and your surgeon will choose the procedure that suits your body, ranging from a liposuction with minimal incisions, to direct resection of skin and fat with a longer and visible incision.
The patient should be in good health and not be a smoker, or decrease the consumption of tobacco, because it can influences the quality of scarring. Previously photos and measures will be taken to determine the type of surgery to be performed, always considering the expectations of the patient.
At the beginning, the scars will be visible, but they will be improving during the next months. You need to be aware that even doing the best to improve the quality of the scar, it will be permanent. It will be necessary to use a compressive garment for at least 2-3 weeks to decrease the inflammatory process. During the first month the patient will be partially limited to stretch the arms or make efforts.
After the inflammatory process and following the surgeon’s recommendations, you will see a considerable change in 3-4 weeks, and will continue to improve over the first 6-12 months.
Plastic surgeon, aesthetic and reconstructive
Professional license: 4078621
Certificate of specialty: 8536540